File: Building Pdf 84171 | Ce402 Item Download 2022-09-13 09-58-03
ce402 professional practice and valuation credits 5 l 3 t 2 p 0 course objective 1 impart the knowledge of estimating costing and valuation for civil engineering structures 2 prepare ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ce professional practice and valuation credits l t p course objective impart the knowledge of estimating costing for civil engineering structures prepare evaluate contract documents teaching assessment scheme theory practical total c marks ese contents unit topics no hours introduction purpose uses estimations types estimates principles units measurements as per bis building estimate mode different items project methods calculating quantities cost to other market survey traditional modular materials construction wages labor tools plant equipment rate analysis specifications specification objectives importance works language writing drafting detailed road projects prerequisites factors affecting overhead expenses procedure schedule rates task work requirement material book keeping abstract account at site measurement muster role hiring maintenance record bills vouchers receipt tenders contracts tender notice document terms conditions agreement form responsibility owner architect contrac...