gujarat technological university bachelor of engineering subject code 3130607 semester iii subject name building construction technology type of course civil engineering prerequisite introduction to civil engineering structures construction materials rationale ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Gujarat technological university bachelor of engineering subject code semester iii name building construction technology type course civil prerequisite introduction to structures materials rationale the development a basic understanding about different and application principles solve real life problems in practices is necessary for engineers teaching examination scheme credits marks total l t p c theory practical ese e pa m v i content sr no hrs foundations subsurface investigation shallow foundation necessity types setting out excavation failures remedial measures deep pile uses selection piles cap shoe driving boring methods causes piling part iv caissons definition material loads on caisson design features floating cutting edges sinking tilting shifting diseases masonry stone technical terms joints classification b brick bonds work other composite hollow blocks partition wall cavity walls d lintels arches finishes plastering pointing painting plain reinforced concrete pre cast situ...