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picture1_Building Pdf 83933 | Review

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File: Building Pdf 83933 | Review
a review of rammed earth construction for dti partners in innovation project developing rammed earth for uk housing may 2003 prepared by vasilios maniatidis peter walker natural building technology group ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...A review of rammed earth construction for dti partners in innovation project developing uk housing may prepared by vasilios maniatidis peter walker natural building technology group department architecture civil engineering university bath ba ay telephone facsimile steering members o bristol city council insitu research establishment mark lovell design engineers ecology society haskins robinson feilden clegg bradley architects waters ihcm cadre grimshaw knauf insulation simmonds mills architect builders day contracting somerset trust sustainable development acknowledgements this could not have been possible without the contribution from number individuals who allowed us to visit them their homes and workplaces or gave up time be interviewed phone we are particularly grateful adele andy bill swaney cindy harris colin williams david sheppard gordon pearson john renwick jolyon brewis kate cheng marion francis chalmers martin mr mrs adcock kinder f westmoreland i west m h roberts s cox far...

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