File: Building Pdf 83922 | Buildings 2020 Part1 12 Rozdz 3
doi 10 24427 978 83 65596 71 0 3 3 modern building materials decisions taken both in the design process of buildings and their modernization should comply with basic requirements ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Doi modern building materials decisions taken both in the design process of buildings and their modernization should comply with basic requirements such as strength stability resistance to dampness water fire heat insulation sound durability comforts conveniences not have harmful effects on human health production factors that destroy natural environment e g freons ozone layer atmosphere be used aspects utilization safe storage recycling possibilities are also important another criterion for choosing material solutions is availability well local traditions however deciding factor usually economic aspect costs construction assembly case insulating only but other than thermal ones into consideration including appropriate mechanical properties noise attenuation vibration non flammability moisture absorption technological conditions each product has an impact it associated all stages a s life from raw extraction through processing manufacture distribution use repair maintenance disposal or...