File: Building Pdf 83896 | 04 Item Download 2022-09-13 07-35-13
introduction to construction work 25 4 introduction to construction work 4 1 introduction the structure of the building is divided into two parts the sub structure and the super structure ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction to construction work the structure of building is divided into two parts sub and super lower portion which transmits load foundation soil called above substructure weight superstructure borne by hence should be strong enough carry objectives after going through this lesson you will able describe working various equipments used in explain importance about its enumerate type method laying out proposed plan requirements distributes evenly certificate supervision civil on such a way that at not below pressure exceeds maximum allowable bearing capacity it helps strengthening against lateral forces caused due tornado earthquake etc provides surface for provide safety from flow water seepage aim providing support as per designed members columns beams are strength carrying dead live expected come safe well distributed manner types can following development road electricity distribution supply sewerage drains site inspection aims inspectoin behaviour near wall thickness layers depo...