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picture1_Construction Pdf 83869 | 512069 The Impact Of Road Construction Program 2c7e5f89

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File: Construction Pdf 83869 | 512069 The Impact Of Road Construction Program 2c7e5f89
2ndiciebp the 2nd international conference on islamic economics business and philanthropy iciebp theme sustainability and socio economic growth volume 2019 conferencepaper theimpactofroadconstructionprogram evidencefromeastjava indonesia 1 2 irim tiara puri and ...

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...Ndiciebp the nd international conference on islamic economics business and philanthropy iciebp theme sustainability socio economic growth volume conferencepaper theimpactofroadconstructionprogram evidencefromeastjava indonesia irim tiara puri rumayya faculty of university jalan salemba raya jakarta pusat airlangga universityjalan surabaya abstract purpose lintas selatan jls construction program is to reduce inequality between southern northern area in east java order measure success road this study aims evaluate socioeconomic impact villages passed by especially pacitan trenggalek tulungagung districts uses propensity score matching psm difference did causal while data are obtained from survey potensi desa podes corresponding author ndings show that has a positive regions due population density investment job received february opportunities increased it also shortens distance schools village center accepted march senior high school interestingly decreased length karaoke published howev...

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