new south wales building and construction industry security of payment regulation 2020 under the building and construction industry security of payment act 1999 her excellency the governor with the advice ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...New south wales building and construction industry security of payment regulation under the act her excellency governor with advice executive council has made following kevin anderson mp minister for better innovation explanatory note object this is to repeal remake amendments which would otherwise be repealed on september by section subordinate legislation provides a requirement head contractors hold retention money contracts value at least million b maintenance disclosure trust account records c eligibility criteria adjudicators including sections definitions exempt residential contract recognised financial institution d ii definition liability offence general making power published lw august no contents page part preliminary name commencement application owner occupier accounts division offences requirements held in establishment withdrawals from interest earned not available pay contractor s debts overdrawn closure institutions subject certain obligations liabilities miscellaneous ...