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picture1_Construction Pdf 83827 | Gobbnb02

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File: Construction Pdf 83827 | Gobbnb02
chapter 2 storage stacking and handling practices 2 1 general practices 2 1 1 general requirements and restrictions on storage and handling materials required in construction operations shall be stored ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter storage stacking and handling practices general requirements restrictions on materials required in construction operations shall be stored handled a manner to prevent deterioration damage the ensure safety of workmen non interference with public life including prevention property natural environment placed so as not endanger workers or adjoining stacked we lldrained flat unyielding surface material stacks impose any undue stresses walls other structures separated according kind size length neat orderly piles high staggered back at suitable intervals height arranged allow minimum mm wide passageway between for inspection removal all passageways kept clear dry vegetation greasy substance debris site there should proper planning layout different components equipments access maneuverability vehicles carrying while various stages considered stairways gangways become obstructed by building tools accumulated rubbish depending upon individual characteristics protected from atmospheric ...

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