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picture1_Construction Pdf 83695 | 1tsi14752

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File: Construction Pdf 83695 | 1tsi14752
chapter i introduction 1 1 background the construction industry is developing rapidly this is caused by the increasing need of society society needs many infrastructures that can support their daily ...

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...Chapter i introduction background the construction industry is developing rapidly this caused by increasing need of society needs many infrastructures that can support their daily activities why in various sectors starting from office buildings educational residential highways telecommunication stations energy plants and any other public facilities role extremely important for a country usually links with economic growth development one factors boost up sector indonesia contributed against gross domestic bruto gdb it was ranked th main to berita satu however highly potential risk failure probability occurrence some uncertain unpredictable even undesirable events would change prospects profitability on given investment kartam high because process designing bidding until project done very complex occurs through uncontrollable these be internal external common thing failures result delay cost overruns scope work management reduce or avoid damages resulting projects purpose studied problem...

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