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picture1_Building Pdf 83651 | 82070583

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File: Building Pdf 83651 | 82070583
core metadata citation and similar papers at core ac uk provided by elsevier publisher connector available online at www sciencedirect com p r o c e d i a e ...

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...Core metadata citation and similar papers at ac uk provided by elsevier publisher connector available online www sciencedirect com p r o c e d i a n g th international conference on modern building materials structures techniques mbmst typical solutions for the construction site employees safety djus titas department of technology management vilnius gediminas technical university saultekio al lt lithuania abstract occupational risk in case work is assessed while preparing technological project works amount designed depends various indicators such as number dangerous factors from which must be protected zones effect architectural design structural types used protection measures etc basically large set related to predetermines preparation respective or repeated applying specific each factor well systematization prepared these grounds published ltd authors open access under cc nc nd license selection peer review responsibility keywords decision making training introduction it estimated th...

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