standard 3 fashion cycle standard 3 students will be able to understand the basics of the fashion cycle objective 1 define fashion terms objective 2 describe the stages of the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 12 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Standard fashion cycle students will be able to understand the basics of objective define terms describe stages theories movement ongoing motion fashions moving through there are many factors that can affect economic social introduction new fibers fabrics advertising techniques leaders trendsetters or individuals who first wear styles after which is adopted by general public may high profile people get media attention this exposure results in more seeing designs and causes acceptance a these used royalty very wealthy today s society celebrities often set cycles for example during academy awards female stars attending televised ceremony wore chandelier style earrings immediately caused jewelry demand period time life span with exists five o stage rise peak decline obsolescence previewed weeks at major design centers as colors textures introduced begin upward slope on hill limited number accept them offered prices produced small quantities...