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picture1_Specimen Collection Ppt 83463 | Specimen Collection Presentation

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File: Specimen Collection Ppt 83463 | Specimen Collection Presentation
introduction specimen containers an transport bags microbiology specimen collection storage labelling spillages of specimens introduction a specimen is a sample of body fluid e g urine faeces all specimens are ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 12 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction specimen containers an transport bags microbiology collection storage labelling spillages of specimens a is sample body fluid e g urine faeces all are potential infection risk therefore must be collected using standard precautions should transported in ridged container accordance with the carriage dangerous goods and use transportable pressure equipment taking routine avoided to help reduce inappropriate prescribing antibiotic treatment only taken if there indications clinical not dipsticked for nitrates leukocytes unless signs urinary tract treating positive dipstick without may result antibiotics person who obtains ensure appropriate purpose ce marked leakage or used will processed by lab due lid securely closed no external contamination outer contents placed inside plastic bag attached request form after they have been labeled sealed integral sealing strip stapled large hour collections enclosed clear tied at neck also received from residents service users gp surgeries ...

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