studies that look at treatment effects or other effect sizes dichotomous number of events unmatched groups prospective eg controlled trials cohort studies matched groups prospective eg crossover trials or prepost ...
Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 27 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Studies that look at treatment effects or other effect sizes dichotomous number of events unmatched groups prospective eg controlled trials cohort matched crossover prepost designs retrospective case control computed continuous means post data only pre and one group correlation rates by person years survival time to event for raw generic analyzed in scale units log sample size each nonevents rate chisquared total x table external exposed unexposed cases controls proportion casecontrol study odds ratio confidence limits standard error variance peto s oe v risk difference mean sd common cohen d standardized pooled withingroups tvalue pvalue n corr t within p f between changes change...