announcements read chapter 8 homework 6 is due now homework 7 is due on thursday april 24 2 load modeling load modeling is certainly challenging for large system models an ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Announcements read chapter homework is due now on thursday april load modeling certainly challenging for large system models an aggregate can consist of many thousands individual devices the constantly changing with key diurnal and temperature variations example a higher percentage lighting at night more air conditioner hot days model behavior be quite complex during low voltages that may occur in transient stability testing extreme conditions not feasible we need to wait disturbances traditionally have been divided into two groups static algebraic function bus voltage sometimes frequency dynamic represented induction motor most common simplest constant impedance has widely used allowed y reduced eliminating essentially all non generator buses presents no issues as falls zero rapidly falling out favor references papers reports are available classic reference by ieee task force representation performance analysis trans power systems pp recent report provides good overview final project ...