File: Health Ppt 82990 | Preventive Medicine Overvie (dr Anthony D B Evans)
before we start thanks saturday september 10 2 page 2 022 plan the role of preventive medicine in regulatory aviation medicine overview dr anthony evans a medical examiner s view ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Before we start thanks saturday september page plan the role of preventive medicine in regulatory aviation overview dr anthony evans a medical examiner s view wagstaff institute oslo pilot carlos salicrup ifalpa an airline tim stevenson virgin atlantic regulator david salisbury transport canada jarnail singh caa singapore discussion everyone icao and current sarp recommendation alternate years for class applicants under age licensing authority should at its discretion allow examiners to omit certain routine examination items related assessment physical fitness whilst increasing emphasis on health education prevention ill what increased might entail young who may have normal body weight discuss exercise nutrition drinks alcohol not drink excessively safe levels smoker advise him stop smoking is bereaved possible counselling options pilots take it or leave voluntary intention that subject be used threaten certificate withdrawal provides treatment additional tests introduced cholesterol e...