background the statistical activities of bangladesh is performed by the national statistical organization the bangladesh bureau of statistics bbs bbs collect compile and disseminate information in all sectors of the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Background the statistical activities of bangladesh is performed by national organization bureau statistics bbs collect compile and disseminate information in all sectors economy for planning policy making has a full fledged health demographic wing responsible collecting disseminating related sources data on are obtained from following surveys survey sample vital registration system multiple indicator cluster household income expenditure socio economic post census long questionnaire child mother nutrition niport ministry family welfare topics covered cont crude death rate age specific neonatal mortality infant maternal principle causes percentage distribution deaths expectation life abridged table young feeding status low birth weight immunization vitamin supplement antenatal care delivery population diseases suffered average duration ailment methods treatment childhood illness seeking suspected pneumonia fever acute respiratory infection diarrhoea...