File: Health Ppt 82842 | Introduction To Occupational Health
faculty of medicine family and community medicine examples of famous industrial accidents september 21 1921 oppau explosion in germany occurred when a tower silo storing 4 500 tonnes of a ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Faculty of medicine family and community examples famous industrial accidents september oppau explosion in germany occurred when a tower silo storing tonnes mixture ammonium sulfate nitrate fertilizer exploded at basf plant now part ludwigshafen killing people injuring about more introduction to environmental occupation health the minamata disaster was caused by dumping mercury compounds bay japan it is estimated that over suffered various deformities severe poisoning symptoms or death methylmercury an organic from what became known as compound released disease medical specialty dealing with factory wastewater cause disorders nervous system december bhopal india largest on record faulty tank containing poisonous methylisocyanate leaked union carbide died bodily damage april chernobyl nuclear power ukraine test reactor number four goes out control resulting meltdown ensuing steam fire killed up estimates there may be additional cancer deaths time among approximately most highly exposed ...