File: Health Ppt 82827 | Who Item Download 2022-09-10 23-12-30
introduction the world health organization who is a specialized non political health agency of the united nations the headquarters is located in geneva switzerland in 1946 the constitution was drafted ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction the world health organization who is a specialized non political agency of united nations headquarters located in geneva switzerland constitution was drafted by technical preparatory committee under chairmanship rene sand it approved same year an international conference th park k textbook preventive and social medicine ed established on april every celebrated as day theme chosen each to focus attention specific aspect public objective attainment all people s highest level which set out preamble current that will permit them lead socially economically productive life states state complete physical mental well being not merely absence disease or infirmity enjoyment attainable standard one fundamental rights human without distinction race religion belief economic condition peoples peace security dependent upon fullest cooperation individuals achievement any promotion protection value unequal development different countries control especially communicable common danger health...