sophie bloom sophie bloom sophie is 23 years old she had been in a non exclusive relationship that recently ended she and her ex boyfriend used condoms but they weren ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Sophie bloom is years old she had been in a non exclusive relationship that recently ended and her ex boyfriend used condoms but they weren t very careful has discovered pregnant copyright wolters kluwer all rights reserved risk factors for preeclampsia maternal o age or african descent low socioeconomic status family history of first pregnancy with new partner type gestational diabetes obesity chronic hypertension kidney disease thrombophilia an increased tendency to clot chromosomal abnormalities fetus such as trisomies hydatiform mole hydrops fetalis multifetal donated eggs sperm structural congenital the during high blood pressure at least one following decreased platelets impaired liver function onset renal insufficiency pulmonary edema cerebral disturbances seizures visual there no clear cause involves multiple organ systems progresses different rates women associated cardiovascular later life question statement true false from mild severe before eclampsia begins...