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picture1_Marco Carugi Highlights On Itu T Activities Presented

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File: Marco Carugi Highlights On Itu T Activities Presented
how itu supports iot and smart cities and communities joint iec iso itu smart cities task force jca iot and sc c joint coordination activity on iot and smart cities ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...How itu supports iot and smart cities communities joint iec iso task force jca sc c coordination activity on ussc united for sustainable initiative international telecommunication union t study group the un specialized agency icts standardization activities related to edge computing sg published recommendations y requirements support of approval capability framework enabled gateway in network aspects future networks qos assurance virtual reality delivery using mobile supported by imt going wis ec reqts overview ecloud cloud functional cefec exposure function beyond fmsc mec multi access fixed satellite convergence fmc unified supporting lsmec local shunting aaec req use cases technical application addressing including applications multimedia recs f video surveillance cdns h architecture civilian unmanned aerial vehicles vsecarch platform a system dc cgs trec gaming g dvmsf distributed vehicular services vx based security x gecds guideline data gsec ecs netec capabilities layer itssec g...

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