introduction history other iaas providers aws azure google user stories distributions mirantis ubuntu redhat pro con when to use cloud when to use openstack containers p2p iot fog history 1977 ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Introduction history other iaas providers aws azure google user stories distributions mirantis ubuntu redhat pro con when to use cloud openstack containers pp iot fog arpanet symbol telecom companies others grid supercomputer computing amazon elastic compute app engine nasa opennebula ms ibm oracle austin nebula nova rackspace swift month cycle bexar from tick tock schedule foundation debian suse red hat hp out of top telcos icehouse manages m cpu cores pike public data centers projects victoria compatibility yoga https releases org http stackalytics io proviers web services com one the first provider simple queue service sqs ec storage s many more...