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picture1_Aws Ppt Templates 82695 | Cloudcomputingfeb7

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File: Aws Ppt Templates 82695 | Cloudcomputingfeb7
presenter s background in cloud computing bbiinana oo iiss aa p pii o onn t twwoo c cuurrrerentnt n nssf f g grraantntss r reellaatteedd t too c cllooudud ccoommppututiinngg ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Presenter s background in cloud computing bbiinana oo iiss aa p pii o onn t twwoo c cuurrrerentnt n nssf f g grraantntss r reellaatteedd too cllooudud ccoommppututiinngg d daattaa iintnteensnsiivvee coommppututiinngg e edducucaattiioon cn cccllii pphhaassee kk clloouudd eenanabblleedd eevvoollututiioonnaarry gy geenneettiiccss tteessttbbeedd occii ccii teteamam ffaacculultty ay att thehe cssee deeppaarrttmmeentnt aatt uuninivveersrsiitty b buuffffaalloo nnaattiioonanall scciieencncee foouundndaattiioonn nccc outline of the talk introduction to data intensive on technology context multi core virtualization bit processors parallel models big storages iaas amazon aws paas microsoft azure saas google app engine demonstration capabilities demos ec mapreduce a certificate program offered by suny yes approved questions and answers golden era powerful explosion general domain purpose applicatio graphic ns proliferatio superior software devices methodologies virtualizatio wider bandwidth for le...

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