File: Operations Research Lecture Notes Ppt 82561 | Or Intro
textbook introduction to operations research f hillier g lieberman 10th edition grade 25 exercises 25 mid term exam 50 final exam email xli whu 163 com course website http xiaoxili ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Textbook introduction to operations research f hillier g lieberman th edition grade exercises mid term exam final email xli whu com course website http xiaoxili weebly teaching ta office xxxx hour be specified materials ppt board lecture notes case papers goals analyze the real application problem and design for it a or model able solve some small scale problems by hand algorithm know how use software ex excel models evaluation details hw written in english sets of distributed you are required them independently corrections will given reading study read selectively reports typed computer mainly focus on lp plan preliminary linear programming modeling graphical solution simplex method duality sensitive analysis other algorithms transportation assignment networking optimization dynamic integer nonlinear meta heuristics an week one scope concept origin development classification steps overview applications world cases is art science has its early roots war ii flourishing business industry...