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picture1_Manufacturing Ppt 82531 | Tqmsixsigmalean

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File: Manufacturing Ppt 82531 | Tqmsixsigmalean
total quality management tqm is the systematic achievement of customer and stakeholder satisfaction through the coordinated actions of all employees and departments in an organization what is quality providing value ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Total quality management tqm is the systematic achievement of customer and stakeholder satisfaction through coordinated actions all employees departments in an organization what providing value to customers by meeting their requirements those other stakeholders provision products services consequences operation history prior world war ii meant variation desired physical characteristics product based approach conformance specifications manufacturing several individuals before after played key roles use as a system historical perspective w united states was dominant economy huge capability converted consumer goods high awareness countries devastated no infrastructure left designed more efficient flexible american managers thought they were invincible systems became obsolete started suffering outflow u s money overseas reversal not about alone it how make company competitive ties business goals operating procedures promotes constancy purpose links short term mid long planning that works...

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