cp based column generation application reference urban transit t h yunes a v moura c c de souza solving very large crew scheduling problems to optimality crew proceedings of acm ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cp based column generation application reference urban transit t h yunes a v moura c de souza solving very large crew scheduling problems to optimality proceedings of acm symposium on applied computing pages management hybrid approaches for transportation science travelling k easton g l nemhauser and m trick the tournament problem combined integer programming constraint approach practice theory automated timetabling volume lecture notes in computer springer two dimensional d pisinger sigurd using decomposition techniques bin packing journal graph coloring s gualandi enhancing programs phd thesis politechnico di milano constrained fahle sellmann cost filtering knapsack annals cutting stock operations research employee demassey pesant rousseau regular constraints wireless mesh capone carello i filippini f malucelli resource allocation networks mess comparison between classical multi machine r sadykov wolsey multimachine assignment with deadlines release dates airline u junker e karisch n...