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picture1_Manufacturing Ppt 82329 | Flexible Manufacturing Systems

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File: Manufacturing Ppt 82329 | Flexible Manufacturing Systems
flexible manufacturing flexible manufacturing systems fms systems fms an fms is a reprogrammable manufacturing system an fms is a reprogrammable manufacturing system capable of producing a variety of products automatically ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Flexible manufacturing systems fms an is a reprogrammable system capable of producing variety products automatically conventional have been marked by one two distinct features the capability different product types but at high cost e g job shops large volumes lower very inflexible in terms which can be produced transfer lines designed to provide both these components numerical control nc machine tools automated material handling amhs guided vehicles agv conveyors storage and retrieval as rs industrial robots software computer room conveyor pallet load unload parts terminal finished goods classification related problems strategic analysis economic justification provides long range business plans facility design are integrated into specific accomplish term managerial objectives intermediate planning encompasses decisions master production scheduling deals with horizon from several days months duration dynamic operations concerned minute part type selection askin selecting that will over ...

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