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picture1_Mercury Poisoning Ppt 82254 | Mercury Poisoning

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File: Mercury Poisoning Ppt 82254 | Mercury Poisoning
mercury poisoning there are 3 different forms of mercury elemental inorganic organic each has a different toxicological profile sources of mercury elemental mercury sphygmomanometers thermometers barometers liquid at room temp ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Mercury poisoning there are different forms of elemental inorganic organic each has a toxicological profile sources sphygmomanometers thermometers barometers liquid at room temp volatilises easily traditional remedies ayurvedic chinese used in gold extraction caustic soda manufacturing rodenticides fungicides seed dressings methylmercury fish absorption inhalation dermal gi tract metallic...

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