thermal processing of metal alloys heat treatment temperature effect annealing to get more stable state reduce internal stress reach softer and ductile structure hardening to get metastable state increases strength ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Thermal processing of metal alloys heat treatment temperature effect annealing to get more stable state reduce internal stress reach softer and ductile structure hardening metastable increases strength hardness wear resistance thermomechanical deformation control final mechanical properties chemical changes the composition different surface layer as in core piece higher better or corrosion steels lower critical without transformation process recrystallization relief spheroidizing upper partial whole normalizing homogenization c hours cooling air change cold worked strain hardened steel recovery processes occur softening increase ductility uniform fine grain is achieved very slow furnace residual stresses after machining soft then may continue spheroidite developed used improve machineability toughness above phase diagram austenitization required accordance with cct full over a under solidus inhomogeneities casting...