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picture1_Metal Ppt 82088 | Fundamentals Of Metal Casting

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File: Metal Ppt 82088 | Fundamentals Of Metal Casting
solidification processes starting work material is either a liquid or is in a highly plastic condition and a part is created through solidification of the material solidification processes can be ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Solidification processes starting work material is either a liquid or in highly plastic condition and part created through of the can be classified according to engineering processed metals ceramics specifically glasses polymers polymer matrix composites pmcs classification casting process which molten metal flows by gravity other force into mold where it solidifies shape cavity term also applies made steps seem simple melt pour let freeze capabilities advantages create complex geometries both external internal shapes some are net others near produce very large parts methods suited mass production disadvantages different for limitations on mechanical properties poor dimensional accuracy surface finish e g sand safety hazards workers due hot environmental problems...

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