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picture1_Metal Ppt 82087 | 4  Heat Treatment

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File: Metal Ppt 82087 | 4 Heat Treatment
heat heat treatment is a method used to alter treatment the physical and sometimes chemical properties of a material the most common application is metallurgical it involves the use of ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Heat treatment is a method used to alter the physical and sometimes chemical properties of material most common application metallurgical it involves use heating or chilling normally extreme temperatures achieve desired result such as hardening softening applies only processes where cooling are done for specific purpose altering intentionally generally uses phase transformation during change microstructure in solid state types steel annealing tempering quenching precipitation case annealin ga process which metal exposed an elevated temperature extended time period then slowly cooled relieve stresses cold working increase softness ductility toughness produce gthree stages holding soaking at that usually room note above procedures important temp gradients exit b w inside outside portions part if rate tool high will induce internal stress hence cracking t fec...

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