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picture1_Metal Ppt 82082 | Heat Treatment Of Metals

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File: Metal Ppt 82082 | Heat Treatment Of Metals
objectives to study the effect of the cooling rate and the amount of alloying elements on the micro structure and the mechanical properties rockwell hardness of medium carbon steel to ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives to study the effect of cooling rate and amount alloying elements on micro structure mechanical properties rockwell hardness medium carbon steel know several techniques heat treatment what is treating controlled heating metal change its performance through in microstructure chemistry or composition it involves use normally extreme temperatures achieve a desired result such as hardening softening material why treat improve toughness increase ductility machinability refine grain remove residual stresses include case tempering annealing normalizing quenching process surface often low by infusing into s forming thin layer harder alloy...

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