IN THIS WEBINAR YOU WILL LEARN: • Types of information to share • Making bios user-friendly / unique • Different approaches for presenting the information • Style and formatting basics WHY ARE BIOS IMPORTANT? • Traffic: Everyone loves a picture –One of the most visited pages –Face to the Name • Formulates a First Impression –About the work environment –About the type of people who work there TRY SOME OF THESE CATEGORIES • Contact Information • Text Biography • Education • Practice Areas • Professional/Trade Affiliations • Bar Admissions • Honors/Awards • Publications • Representative Cases ...
METAPHOR • Metaphor is an important characteristic of human. • Human uses metaphor to explain abstract, new, and difficult concepts. • Widening meaning of metaphor can give new meaning which is influenced by personal interpretation forming socio and cultural-based pattern. HAMKA’s Biography Novel • A literary work has functions, among other, describing some events and psychological description in a society. Event description in the literary work is manifested through communicative language to reach estethical objective (A Teeuw, 1983: 12-15) Semiotics • Semiotics is the study of sign process. It includes the study of signs and signs processes, indication, designation ...
COGNITIVE APPROACH Cognition (kamus) : proses untuk mengetahui. Pendekatan kognitif dalam kepribadian fokus kepada cara individu mengetahui lingkungan dan dirinya sendiri, bagaimana mereka menginterpretasi, mengevaluasi, belajar, berpikir, membuat keputusan, dan memecahkan masalah. Pendekatan psikologi kerpibadian yang lebih rasional karena secara ekslusif fokus pada aktivitas mental yang disadari. PERSONAL CONSTRUCT THEORY George Kelly (1905-1967) Biography: 1905-1967 George Kelly lahir di daerah pertanian dekat Wichita, Kansas. Sarjana fisika dan matematikka dari Park College in Missouri tahun 1926. Kelly tidak peduli pada Psikologi. Ia tidak percaya teori Freud & tidak terkesan oleh teori belajar. Kelly kuliah pendidikan di University of Edinburgh tahun ...
Feminist research principles 1. that there is inequality in our society constructed along gender lines - women are subordinate to men in socioeconomic status and decision making power. 2. that current modes of knowledge disadvantage women by devaluing their ways of knowing 3. that highlighting the experiences of women through research and allowing their voices to be heard may go some way to making inequalities more widely recognised 4. that transformation of society through the empowerment and emancipation of women are desirable outcomes. The researcher and the researched Relationship guidelines: non-exploitative relationships between you and those you are researching exposure ...