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picture1_Heat Treatment Of Steel Ppt 82058 | U5 16 17 Quim Web

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File: Heat Treatment Of Steel Ppt 82058 | U5 16 17 Quim Web
unit 5 cause effect vocabulary heat treatment of steel annealing hardening tempering word formation u2 p28 n from vbs grammar and functions expressing cause effect connectors allow cause avoid cause ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Unit cause effect vocabulary heat treatment of steel annealing hardening tempering word formation u p n from vbs grammar and functions expressing connectors allow avoid because since sentence s vb porque puesto que ya as debido a noun ing due to owing the fact that one result consequence c is e verbs results in dar como resultado brings aboute provocar gives rise implicar suponer leads lleva conduce causes allows hace becomes adj resulta therefore por lo tanto thus asi hence pues consequently this consecuencia thereby de este modo way so para exercise we use copper wires its ductility mix pure metals with other materials obtain required properties aluminium used structures it corrosion resistant resistance decrease hardness plastics are insulators they cover annealed more machineable process releases internal stresses metal stronger iron brittle mixed alloying changing can specific characteristics...

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