lead poisoning it is one of the most common diseases of toxic environmental origin and accounts for about 0 6 of the global burden of disease lead is a naturally ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Lead poisoning it is one of the most common diseases toxic environmental origin and accounts for about global burden disease a naturally occurring heavy metal found in earth s crust soft malleable melts at relatively low temperature easily moulded can be combined with other metals to form alloys widely used many products such as acid batteries motor vehicles pigments paints solder stained glass crystal glassware ammunition ceramic glazes jewellery toys some cosmetics traditional medicines mining smelting manufacturing recycling activities continued use leaded paint gasoline aviation fuel countries are important sources responsible contamination drinking water supplied through pipes or joined may contain widespread has resulted extensive health problems parts world humans also suffer from intoxication food chain cumulative toxicant increasing quantity body over years that affects multiple systems neurologic hematologic gastrointestinal cardiovascular renal symptoms signs children includ...