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picture1_5 Chem 109 Aldehydes And Ketones Modified

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File: 5 Chem 109 Aldehydes And Ketones Modified
learning objectives 2 at the end of this chapter students will able to know the structural differences between aldehydes and ketones know how to draw aldehydes and ketones know the ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Learning objectives at the end of this chapter students will able to know structural differences between aldehydes and ketones how draw common iupac nomenclature physical properties synthesize an aldehyde or a ketone different nucleophilic addition reactions carbonyl carbon classes compounds class general formula o r c h carboxylic acid chlorides acids oh cl esters amides nh group oxygen double bond consists sigma pi atom is sp hybridized three atoms attached lie in plane with angles formed by overlap p orbital on there are also two unshared electron pairs distance shorter than alcohols ethers much more electronegative therefore electrons attracted producing highly polarized as consequence polarization most involve attack often accompanied proton rich structure characterized presence have least one hydrogen remaining may be another any aliphatic aromatic organic ch characteristic called formyl connected other...

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