general citation information citation an act of quoting citation when preparing to write a document with an assigned topic it is assumed that several information outlets will be researched while ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...General citation information an act of quoting when preparing to write a document with assigned topic it is assumed that several outlets will be researched while gathering take careful notes during the research process keep track all sources directly influence used in avoid plagiarism imperative give recognition individuals from which was borrowed known as citing each source must listed at end plagiarize steal and pass off ideas or words another one s own not only important cite but also do so correct manner two formats are modern language association mla american psychological apa instructor discretion decide format use always check first see should basic knowledge what standardized for written communication focuses on page layout stylistic technicalities humanities field subjects such art literature history primarily directed toward audience graduate students academic scholars professors professional writers editors content organization writing style references fields social natural ...