what is the ptep what is the ptep assessment program assessment program designed to determine designed to determine the quality of teacher the quality of teacher performance in relation performance ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is the ptep assessment program designed to determine quality of teacher performance in relation a set professional standards are purposes improve instruction promote cultural responsiveness and increase educational experiences opportunities for students provide process that allows encourages supervisors teachers work together instructional practices bringing structured assistance marginal basis making more informed judgments about information developing an effective relevant staff development components based on guam which define minimum competencies there seventeen planning nonverbal verbal covering eight major areas communication implementation teaching student involvement evaluation classroom relationships participation patterns climate standard i competent develops prioritizes long short term objectives within curriculum ii evaluates selects modifies resources activities light s gender linguistic background iii establishes common footing understanding with iv teaches lesson by...