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picture1_Cross Cultural Management Ppt 81423 | The Challenge Of Managing Across Cultures 1

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File: Cross Cultural Management Ppt 81423 | The Challenge Of Managing Across Cultures 1
globalization is characterized by growing worldwide connections between organizations and their various constituencies organization are open systems managers must adapt structures and procedures to this environment future managers must deal ...

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...Globalization is characterized by growing worldwide connections between organizations and their various constituencies organization are open systems managers must adapt structures procedures to this environment future deal with the many additional layers of complexity that changing business brings jobs learn operate within complex interplay trends in cultures world process there set stage cross cultural management uneven development increased influence economies transition continued information communication technology pressure natural evidenced range gross domestic product per capita human index has numerous implications for policy makers uncertainty such as differences from a perspective do impact labor pool economic nations affects availability wage earning developing countries working hours longer part time employment high people work several because limited full few provide type social safety net enjoyed industrialized workers subject variety abuses on job including discrimination...

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