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picture1_Cross Cultural Management Ppt 81414 | Glob&mc

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File: Cross Cultural Management Ppt 81414 | Glob&mc
cross cultural management cross cultural management studies the behavior of people in organizations around the world and trains people to work in organizations with employee and client populations it describes ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cross cultural management studies the behavior of people in organizations around world and trains to work with employee client populations it describes organizational within countries cultures compares across perhaps most importantly seeks understand improve interaction co workers clients suppliers alliance partners from different thus expands scope domestic encompass international multicultural spheres adler dimensions challenge a globalized globalization page marine aktiviteter aalborg industries industri fabrikker selskaber stockholm rauma dalian busan rotterdam kobe tokyo qingdao miami shanghai nanjing hanoi guangzhou houston dubai hong kong singapore jakarta macae petropolis sao paulo business forms new old hq subsidiaries projects joint ventures m strategic alliances partnerships outsourcing offshoring mgt operations which are located organisations parts personnel diverse backgrounds changing structures capabilities traditional hierarchical emphasizing either or choices centraliz...

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