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picture1_Ppt On Cultural Diversity 81410 | Guyot   Cross Cultural Management (1)

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File: Ppt On Cultural Diversity 81410 | Guyot Cross Cultural Management (1)
chapter 1 cross cultural management chapter outline 1 1 introduction 1 2 why are cross cultural management skills important 1 3 defining culture 1 4 managing cultural diversity 1 5 ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter cross cultural management outline introduction why are skills important defining culture managing diversity implication for the manager gilles guyot slide n is defined as collective programming of mind which distinguishes members one human group from another in this sense includes systems values and among building blocks hofstede a p implies particular to not others it learned innate passed down generation next influences behavior uniform predictable ways beliefs attitudes assumptions about how things ought be society they often held at preconscious level may never fully articulated belief conscious certainty that something exists or good an attitude normative stance people behave groups synergy mixed more likely synergistic when value exchange alternative points views tolerate uncertainty processes cooperate build decisions respect each other s experiences share their own use exposure positive opportunity learning can overcome misunderstandings inefficiencies result different ...

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