tennis rules clinic the wiaa follows usta rules for tennis the usta is the sole and exclusive source of binding rules interpretations for contests involving member schools any person having ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Tennis rules clinic the wiaa follows usta for is sole and exclusive source of binding interpretations contests involving member schools any person having questions about an interpretation should contact andy barnes interpreter abarnes com introduction comprised two sections playing regular post season regulations reminders at end you will need to successfully complete final exam finish after have passed be able print a certification document this please keep copy yourself give one your athletic director sports information each school has responsibility educate its student athletes coaches other appropriate persons on state association policies that could affect them further monitor compliance with such are responsible knowing assisting ad all eligibility issues courtesy avoid following conducting loud postmortems complaining shots embarrassing opponent losing temper using vile language throwing racket or slamming ball sulking counting points in good faith played stand corrective action...