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picture1_Sports Powerpoint Template 81347 | Ch 04 Item Download 2022-09-08 15-54-32

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File: Sports Powerpoint Template 81347 | Ch 04 Item Download 2022-09-08 15-54-32
the consumer and sports products the consumer and sports products economic impact of sports marketing economic impact of sports marketing 2 chapter objectives define the sports consumer explain market segmentation ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The consumer and sports products economic impact of marketing chapter objectives define explain market segmentation identify differences between goods services differentiate product line mix a purchase by as customer person who may play officiate watch or listen is decision approval in to read use an extremely competitive predict collect items related two categories that affect s spend money on participate are environmental factors individual family friends self concept image society attitudes values physical characteristics cultural learned climate region motivation attitude influences consumers understanding way analyzing specific create important order sell target start video at geographics demographics psychographics constantly shifting benefits...

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