criteria for essentiality the criteria for essentiality of an element are given below a the element must be absolutely necessary for supporting normal growth and reproduction in the absence of ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Criteria for essentiality the of an element are given below a must be absolutely necessary supporting normal growth and reproduction in absence plants do not complete their life cycle or set seeds b requirement specific replaceable by another other words deficiency any one cannot met supplying some c directly involved metabolism plant macronutrients generally present tissues large amounts excess mmole kg dry matter include carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen phosphorous sulphur potassium calcium magnesium these mainly obtained from co ho while others absorbed soil as mineral nutrition micronutrients trace elements needed very small less than iron manganese copper molybdenum zinc boron chlorine nickel addition to essential named above there beneficial such sodium silicon cobalt selenium they required higher can also grouped into four broad categories on basis diverse functions i components biomolecules hence structural cells e g ii that energy related chemical compounds chlorophyll atp iii ...