apm brief description a style of product development that concentrates on adaptive and exploratory rather than anticipatory and prescriptive management reliable innovation there are five key business objectives for a ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Apm brief description a style of product development that concentrates on adaptive and exploratory rather than anticipatory prescriptive management reliable innovation there are five key business objectives for good exploration process such as agile project continuous to deliver current customer requirements adaptability future reduced delivery schedules meet market windows improve returns investments roi people respond rapidly change results support growth profitability the iterative feature based nature contributes reducing in three ways focus streamlining skill cont first constant attention features their prioritization short time boxes forces teams customers developers carefully consider both number include depth those reduces overall workload by eliminating marginally beneficial like its lean counterparts streamlines concentrating value adding activities overhead compliance focuses selecting developing individuals with right skills...