red icean and the fsn forum red icean is a regional space for discussion but lacks tools and media for interaction test run obtain quality original feedback from the countries ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Red icean and the fsn forum is a regional space for discussion but lacks tools media interaction test run obtain quality original feedback from countries initiatives on hot topics forums july june nutrition education as strategy to strengthen family farming households improve people s diets what are latin american doing tackle double burden of malnutrition effectively visibility both networks build existing complement each other rather than creating small scale spaces involve regions sharing comparing concept note careful selection relevant not very specific can be useful interest webinars background continual training follow up evaluation http www fao org r ed es policy processes in quick food fne has been recognized main determinant success fs interventions it mentioned many frameworks key intervention improving promoting healthy icn celac nourishing etc aims at long term improvements dietary practices any combination educational strategies accompanied by environmental supports desig...