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picture1_Nutrition Ppt 81086 | Snhchap05

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File: Nutrition Ppt 81086 | Snhchap05
nutrition policies nutrition policies need for policies centers are doing a poor job of providing nutrition inadequate calories iron niacin and zinc too much fat 90 of cacfp centers studied ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Nutrition policies need for centers are doing a poor job of providing inadequate calories iron niacin and zinc too much fat cacfp studied fell short meeting needs low degree staff knowledge has direct effect on million children in child care get significant part their weekday from there all day meals eaten parents should consider nutritional program center when choosing major goals maximizing status minimizing risk using education as tool recognizing importance guidelines needed basic understanding challenges methods practices caregivers dietary americans aim fitness healthy weight be physically active build base let the pyramid guide your food choices eat variety grains daily especially whole fruits vegetables keep safe...

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