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picture1_Health Ppt 81027 | Saohintegrationohcshp Ppt11 30 2009corrected

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File: Health Ppt 81027 | Saohintegrationohcshp Ppt11 30 2009corrected
the coordinated school health model has eight interactive components oral health is incorporated into each component http www cdc gov healthyyouth cshp astdd school adolescent oral astdd school adolescent oral ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The coordinated school health model has eight interactive components oral is incorporated into each component http www cdc gov healthyyouth cshp astdd adolescent resolution provides a foundation for integrating csh part of total s program may be child only available source dental care providing screenings education counseling and collaborations with community programs promote continuity supports promotion through educational curriculum resources tools state directors comprehensive brochure public professionals letter principals nurses assessment presentation on screening early childhood caries recommendations use provide training to medical prevention referral services at risk children sharing local level distribute teachers as key suggestions integration aassttdd dd bebesst pt prracacttiiccee ap appprrooacachh r reepporort t best practice approach report org index php template bestpractices html...

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