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picture1_Lecture Ppt 80981 | Crit Think Intro I 08

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File: Lecture Ppt 80981 | Crit Think Intro I 08
course contacts url s syllabus lecture notes http www phhp ufl edu rbauer instructor and ta contacts rus bauer rbauer phhp ufl edu catherine kitty christian kittychr ufl edu bradley ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Course contacts url s syllabus lecture notes http www phhp ufl edu rbauer instructor and ta rus bauer catherine kitty christian kittychr bradley daniels bdaniels wendy gray wngray chad neilsen cdneilsen gmail com allysha robinson acr jennifer wester westerj plan for the you will first receive basic information on critical thinking problem based learning be active participants not recipients of given problems to solve your success in solution focus attention evaluation we concerned primarily with process just achievement characteristics thinkers care that their beliefs true decisions justified is get it right extent possible this includes dispositions seek alternative hypotheses explanations conclusions plans sources etc open them endorse a position but only by available well informed consider seriously points view other than own ii present honestly clearly theirs as others clear about intended meaning what said written or otherwise communicated seeking much precision situation requires...

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