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picture1_Malnutrition Ppt 80906 | Chapter 4

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File: Malnutrition Ppt 80906 | Chapter 4
consequences of malnutrition consequences of malnutrition underfeeding overfeeding underfeeding overfeeding loss of muscle mass increased vo loss of muscle mass increased vo 2 2 reduced respiratory function increased vco reduced ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Consequences of malnutrition underfeeding overfeeding loss muscle mass increased vo reduced respiratory function vco immune hyperglycaemia poor wound healing fatty infiltration liver gut mucosal atrophy protein synthesis calorie requirement various formulae exist to calculate the patient s basal metabolic rate but they are often misleading in critical illness can be measured at bedside by indirect calorimetry most patients will require cal day or less if starved underweight nitrogen requirements excretion calculated th absence renal failure according urea g h urinary mmol x however as with this method lacks accuracy other normal substrates vitamins and trace elements tabled opposite critically ill folic acid vitamin supplementation during nutritional support e solvitio usually supplemented parenteral should not required enteral nutrition daily for a kg adult water ml energy iron mg copper glucose managanese ug lipid zinc sodium iodide potassium flurodie calcium magnesium phosphate thia...

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