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picture1_Macronutrients Ppt 80737 | Carbohydartes   Short

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File: Macronutrients Ppt 80737 | Carbohydartes Short
chapter 2 introduction carbohydrate as a fuel for exercise well documented that cho is important for athletic performance high levels of stored glycogen before endurance exercise esp 1hr can help ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter introduction carbohydrate as a fuel for exercise well documented that cho is important athletic performance high levels of stored glycogen before endurance esp hr can help increase reduce time to fatigue post enhances recovery many athletes consume inadequate support their training dietary optimum depend on total energy intake body size health status duration intensity frequency and type function classification sources carbohydrates are primary source macronutrients provide the substrate necessary replacement glucose when consumed during maintain bg prevent premature recommendations active individuals moderate g kg bw heavy up burke different ways classify found in food level commercial processing has undergone or glycemic response within...

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